

Call of interest

Call of interest Winter Semester, 2024-2025 The Department of Informatics and Telecommunications of the School of Informatics and Telecommunications of the University of Ioannina, according to the Government Gazette 9293/τ.B’ 7700/31.12.2023 and the decision of the Assembly of the Department of Informatics and Telecommunications with no. 111/25-10-2023, invites those interested in working on Industrial Doctoral Thesis at the Department of Informatics  and Telecommunications, in collaboration with Industry / Enterprise to submit an application, according to the attached template. The subject of the Ph.D. programme is Computer Science and Telecommunications with emphasis on applications, contributing to the strengthening of research cooperation with other European Universities, Research Institutes and European enterprises. The programme aims to foster knowledge and groundbreaking scientific research, preparing and educating young scientists to produce robust, original research outcomes. It also seeks to equip them with the skills to independently and autonomously advance science, in line with international standards.The programme will offer a research methodology aimed at developing the knowledge and skills aligned with European industrial trends, enabling the creation of innovative technologies that are highly sought after in the industry. The Industrial Doctoral Thesis will be developed in collaboration with a Greek or foreign company or industry. The minimum duration for the award of the Industrial Doctorate is three (3) full calendar years from the date the three-member Advisory Committee is appointed. The Ph.D. candidates are selected by the Assembly of the Department of Informatics and Telecommunications to carry out their doctoral thesis. How to apply Applications for admission can be submitted anytime from Monday, September 16, 2024, to February 28, 2025. Those interested should submit their application to the Department’s Secretariat at, attaching the following documents, which are checked and kept at the Department. Required documents:  Application form where are listed: the proposed title of the Doctoral Thesis, the proposed language of the doctoral thesis (which, besides Greek,  may be either English or another scientifically approved language) in agreement with the Supervisor, the candidate’s declaration of the proposed supervisor of the doctoral thesis, the draft doctoral thesis (1500 – 3000 words), a short statement of scientific and professional interests indicating the reasons why the candidate is interested in the industrial doctorate. Photocopy of identity card or passport. Detailed curriculum vitae. Copy of all diplomas.  In the case of graduates from a foreign institution, the Directorate of Education checks whether the institution awarding the foreign degree belongs to the National Register of Recognised Foreign Institutions and whether the type of degree belongs to the National Register of Types of Degrees of Recognised Institutions posted on Hellenic National Academic Recognition and Information Center – DOATAP  website. Copy of the detailed transcript of records for all titles and years of study. Proof of good knowledge of English.  In the absence of a certificate, knowledge will be certified by an examination involving the translation of a technical text into Greek. At least two (2) letters of recommendation (in addition to the proposed supervisor). Any other relevant evidence which, in the opinion of the candidate(s), contributes to a more complete evaluation. The results will be posted on the Department’s website. More information is available at the website: In addition, those interested can contact the Department’s Secretariat: Secretariat of the Department of Informatics & Telecommunications, University of Ioannina, Kostakioi, Arta, Postal code 47150,  tel: 26810-50499, 50341, 50350,  or the Department’s website where the Regulations for Doctoral Studies are also available.

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